Consumer involvement at Ngala

Ngala provides services and programs for parents, babies, children and young people from conception to 18 years. We partner with families and communities to help children thrive.

We are committed to engaging with our consumers, who include past, current and potential service users, their families, caregivers and community members.

Who are Ngala’s consumers

The term ‘consumers’ refers to families and children receiving our services or programs, and consumers may be called patients, participants, callers, customers or clients in different areas of Ngala.


Why is consumer involvement important?

Consumer involvement improves our service delivery and inclusivity. To understand community experiences and preferences, we need to hear diverse consumer perspectives.

All of Ngala’s services have systems in place for our consumers to have a say in our work.


How to be involved

We provide a range of opportunities for consumers and community members to help shape our services, research, and programs. These include:

  • Infancy and Early Childhood Community Advisory Group

Ngala partners with Telethon Kids Institute to offer a community advisory group for parents and caregivers of infants and young children aged 0-6 years. Group members have their say about early childhood research and services at Ngala and Telethon Kids Institute.

Membership is open to any parent or caregiver with a child aged 0-6 years. No specific skills or experience is required, meetings are held quarterly, either online or in-person.

Members will be reimbursed in line with Consumer and Community Health Research Network Guidelines. Training opportunities are also available via the Telethon Kids Institute CONNECT Consumer Network.

You can find out more about the Infancy and Early childhood Community Advisory Group by clicking here.

To apply to the Infancy and Early Childhood Community Advisory Group, please complete the Expression of Interest. To find out more, please get in touch.


  • RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) Action Advisory Group

The purpose of Ngala’s RAP Action Advisory Group is to challenge, guide and influence the development and implementation of Ngala’s commitment to reconciliation, as outlined in our Reconciliation Action Plan.

Meetings are held every three months. Membership includes Ngala staff and Aboriginal community members from the Perth, Midwest and Gascoyne regions. If you are interested in joining this group, please get in touch.


  • Fathering Advocates

Ngala is seeking dads and father figures with an interest in our services and research to help shape our work.

Fathering Advocates help us ensure that fathering perspectives are considered in all our services and research. To apply, please fill in the Expression of Interest or get in touch to find out more.


  • Lived Experience Advocates

Ngala seeks the views of people with lived experience in guiding our research, evaluations, and service design.

If you identify as having a lived experience (such as disability, mental health, or LGBTQI+) please consider volunteering to be an advocate to help us understand the issues that affect you. If you are interested in this role, please get in touch.


  • Children’s participation in research and evaluation

We are always seeking new ways to engage with children in our research and service design. If you have ideas for including children’s voices in Ngala’s evaluations or consultations, please get in touch.


  • Community consultations 

There are no consultations open at this time. Please check back in future or register your interest in consultation opportunities with [email protected]


  • Compliments and complaints

Ngala wants to hear from families about your experiences with us. If you have any feedback about any of Ngala’s staff, services, or facilities, please email [email protected].

Consumer involvement in our services

  • Early Learning and Development Service (ELDS)

Ngala actively seeks input, guidance and feedback from children in the planning and delivery of programs in our Early Learning Centres and Family Day Care service. We are committed to working in partnership with families to achieve the best outcomes for children in our services. Please see the ELDS Family Handbook for more information on our approach to family involvement.


  • Ngala Residential Parenting Service

In our Residential Parenting Service, which includes Day Stays and Extended Stays, we involve parents in service planning and improvement through patient surveys and focus groups. Please contact get in touch if you wish to be involved in future consultations for Ngala’s Residential Parenting Service.


  • Child and Parent Centre (CPC) Local Advisory Groups

Ngala’s Child and Parent Centres (CPCs) are located in Banksia Grove, Calista, East Waikiki and Rangeway/Geraldton. CPC Local Advisory Groups include local service providers and families, and help guide centre services to respond to local needs. To find your closest CPC, please visit our contact page.


  • Parenting Connection WA (PCWA) NW Metro Local Area Partnership Group

PCWA’s NW Metro Local Area Partnership Group is made up of service providers and parents living in Perth’s North West metropolitan region.  The group meets quarterly to provide advice and guidance to the local operations of Parenting Connection WA, informing practice decisions and enhancing local community connections. To find out more information or to join, please contact [email protected].

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