Ngala as an organisation has three Early Learning and Development services which provide a high level of quality care and education to the children who attend. Our qualified Early Childhood Educators and Teachers provide children with curriculum and environments which are rich in play based learning opportunities and support children to develop a solid foundation of learning. Most importantly, our centres meet National Standards to give your child the best outcomes possible for their developmental growth.
Recently The Front Project released an Economic Analysis of Early Childhood Education. This analysis showed that for every $1 invested, Australia received a return of interest (ROI) of $2 over a child’s life. This snapshot of the report shows just how important it is for children to have access to centres which meet National Standards.
As indicated in the analysis, The ROI can be attributed to the skills and abilities children develop in early education. These abilities lead to stronger academic performance throughout school and a greater likelihood of school completion ad undertaking further education. School completion and participation in further education are key predictors for higher future incomes and better wellbeing.
How access to quality early childhood education benefits Australia:
- For Families they see a collective $1463 million boost in earnings for parents who can return to work or increase their hours of work.
- Our business and the economy see $319 million boost in productivity from a more educated workforce.
- Our Children see a $997 million increase in lifetime earnings, educational achievement and employment, and better health and wellbeing.
- Our Governments see increased tax revenue of $313 million every year and decreased spending in the areas of health, welfare and justice worth $1194 million.
To read the full analysis click here: