A message from our CEO to all our customers:
As part of our duty of care to all our customers and staff, I am writing to you about Ngala’s procedures in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. As an organisation, we are staying vigilant and adopting the advice and guidance as provided by the Department of Health to be ready in this Preparedness Phase.
Please be assured that we are taking measures to ensure the safety of all the children in our care, our staff and the communities in which we work with across the State.
We would like to give all our customers the reassurance that the precautions we are taking comply with the Department of Health guidelines, as we respond to the continually evolving situation of COVID-19.
Our focus on mitigating the risk and impact of COVID-19 is to maintain a strong duty of care for all our customers who access our services.
This is why we have taken measures, which protect our customers and support the containment efforts as prescribed by the Department of Health. This is our part to ensure the safety of all during this uncertain time. Below is a list of how we as an organisation are responding to this:
- We have established a COVID-19 Emergency Response Team to ensure a coordinated response to the current and emerging impacts of COVID-19
- We are excluding Staff and clients who meet the criteria outlined by the Department of Health. This is to ensure that Staff and customers at risk of transmitting COVID-19 do not attend work or access our face-to-face services.
- We are asking Ngala Staff who are unwell – including those with fever or flu-like symptoms – to stay at home. Ngala’s Management have been provided with the information to deal with a scenario whereby staff or clients presents with symptoms or is confirmed to have contracted the virus. This will ensure that we are prepared to deal with any potential impacts of COVID-19
- Hygiene practices have been reinforced at all our sites and services
- We are observing social distancing recommendations
- We are monitoring the advice provided by the Department of Health on a daily basis so that our strategies can be adjusted accordingly
Please understand that as COVID-19 is a continually evolving situation, we will keep everyone up to date as relevant information is brought to our attention. We will draw all information from directives and updates from the Department of Health:
If you have any other concerns about COVID-19, the Australian Government has a dedicated Coronavirus Health Information Line for you to access on 1-800-020-080.
Please know, that I will communicate any changes or updates to our services to you if there is a change in the current situation. I encourage you to engage with the service manager or coordinator at the service you are receiving at Ngala if you have any day-to-day queries.
Thank you for your time and attention, it is much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Fiona Beermier
Chief Executive Officer