We’ve compiled the latest news from Ngala and resources from our community partners to help you navigate your way through the information being shared to best address your concerns through Covid-19. We’ll always update this page with the latest news, resources and supports for our West Australian community.

Ngala News

Ngala Parenting Line
The Ngala Parenting Line offers free parenting support from qualified professionals, 8am-8pm, 7 days a week. Call us now on 08 9368 9368.


Ngala Resources
Do you know, Ngala has a range of resource articles available for free on our website. The downloadable resources are for parents with children aged from 0 to 18 years. Topics range from Becoming a Parent, Baby Growth and Development, School and Education, Sleep and comforting and Promoting Good Mental Health. You can download the resource for you here.


Residential Parenting Services at Ngala’s hospital in Kensington
Ngala’s Residential Parenting Services at our hospital in Kensington is still open and parents and carers can book into our Day Stay Program. The Ngala team of nurses, social workers and psychologists are all working within Department of Health guidelines in relation to Coronavirus recommendations, so are assured to be in safe hands while getting the support you need. If you would like to know more or book in you can find out more here below or contact our Parenting Line on 9368 9368.

Community Support Resources and Information

Telethon Kids Institute Constable Care Online Nurse Dotty Books
Telethon Kids has joined scientist around the world in the fight against COVID-19 and is committed to helping in this crisis. Click here to read the latest COVID-19 information , research news and updates. Constable Care is now online to navigate us through this new normal of information overload, fake news, scamming and family routines which are now very different. Click here for more. Nurse Dotty is a great way to navigate your child’s understanding of COVID-19. Create your own Nurse Dotty book with your family and add in the questions you think your child may have. Click here for more.


Breastfeeding Association of Australia Translated COVID-19 Resources Screen time and COVID19
If you need to know more about how COVID-19 affects breastfeeding, this information can be found on the Breastfeeding Association of Australia website here. The Department of Health has a range of COVID-19 Resources translated to address the multi-lingual needs of our West Australian society. If you need a resource in a language other than English please click here. Joanne Orlando, a Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology at the University of Western Sydney has written an article here that may provide some reassurance to parents coming to terms with the increase in screen time during Covid-19.


Online fun – great brain science and health for your children

Every Little Cell by                     Allison Davies
The Gruffalo, Stick Man and Smoos & Smeds, social distance
Five tips to make those video chats fun and engaging for 0 to 3 year olds
This great 5 minute video is wonderful for your child (and parent), Allison Davies, a music therapist has created this just to ease COVID-19 worries for children. Available on youtube and stream it here. What would the Gruffalo do if her was social distancing? It may be hard to explain to your child why they can’t hug their gran, play with their friends and lead life as per normal. Share with them the 12 images here. Family catch ups and playdates with their little friends may not be the norm now but there is a way make those video streams engaging and fun. Read more here.