Guiding Operations, Direction and Services

Service Delivery Model

A model within which all of the programs and services offered by Ngala operate, incorporates the following key elements:

  • An evidence-base to all practice.
  • An ecological approach incorporating:
    • Child in society;
    • Child in community;
    • Child in family.
  • An integrated service framework which recognises the breadth of the organisation’s work across:
    • Universal Services – services that are aimed at the general population such as the Ngala Helpline, Parenting and Professional education and early years resources;
    • Targeted Services – geographically or culturally targeted such as Ngala’s Parenting and Play Time at Merriwa,  Kwinana and Rockingham and Ngala’s Indigenous Parenting and Children’s Service; and
    • Specialised/Intensive Services – where an intensive response for parents with young children is required by an interdisciplinary staff team. This includes Ngalas’ Day Stay and Overnight Stay and the Parenting Advice and Support Service at Bandyup Women’s Prison.

Ngala’s way of working is to engage and support families through a holistic, strengths-based, partnership approach. A strengths-based approach focuses on what is working well and what has worked well in the past to overcome challenges. It recognises that families and individuals are diverse and have unique needs and circumstances. Our staff are committed and skilled in supporting children, young people, families and communities to identify and build on their strengths and support networks.

Five Key Principles Inform the Design, Development and Delivery of Ngala’s Services:

      1. Accountability and continuous improvement: Ngala has robust planning, reporting and evaluation processes to achieve high standards of service delivery. Ngala maintains a Quality Management System, with an emphasis on compliance and improvement.
      2. Responsiveness and innovation: Ngala is adaptable, creative and responsive to the changing, complex needs of families and communities.
      3. Diversity and inclusion: Ngala recognises and values diversity in the individuals, families and communities with whom we work. Ngala staff work respectfully and holistically, providing accessible and inclusive services.
      4. Social justice: Ngala works with integrity and upholds ethical standards. Our practice is informed by substantive equality, child-focused practice and the consideration of children’s rights and well-being.
      5. Partnerships: Ngala works collaboratively within a coordinated network of integrated services. Our partnerships with individuals, organisations and communities help us to achieve the best outcomes for families.

Strategic Directions

Ngala works towards a community where:

      • Children and young people are healthy, safe, respected and develop to their full potential.
      • Parents and young people are knowledgeable, skilled, confident and supported.
      • Parents and children enjoy positive interactions and relationships.

What we do:

      • Ngala works with and for families and community members to enhance their experience of parenting and the development of children and young people.

What we are committed to and focus on:

      • Listening, hearing and responding to the voice of the child and young person.
      • Innovation that is driven by the views of families, communities, practice experience, education and research.
      • An approach which is inclusive and focuses on the strengths of communities, families, children, our staff and volunteers.

What we want to achieve:

      • Children and young people have improved wellbeing and sense of belonging.
      • Parents are more confident and able to delight in their children.
      • Parents are more responsive, flexible and perceptive.
      • Families have enhanced parenting skills.
      • Communities have access to information on the importance of the early, middle and adolescent years.
      • Communities are connected and supported.

How we will do it:

      • Work with communities to identify and deliver a diverse range of quality services.
      • Research, evaluate and develop services to meet the needs of WA families and communities and expand access to parenting support.
      • Advocate for families, children and young people in line with our vision.
      • Build a sustainable organisation that demonstrates continuous improvement.
      • Develop a skilled, knowledgeable and diverse workforce.

The term ‘parents’ is inclusive of mothers and fathers (including people who identify as LGBTQI) as well as other primary carers including step-parents, foster carers and extended family members.