Target 120 is a Geraldton and Carnarvon-based program for young people between the ages of 10 – 14 years and their families. The Target 120 program is an early intervention program for at-risk young people and their families to reduce rates of juvenile reoffending.

The program aims to address the underlying issues that lead to offending:

  • substance abuse
  • family and parenting issues
  • unstable housing
  • poor educational attendance
  • negative peer relations
  • domestic violence
  • mental health issues
  • and more.


Local Interagency Groups (LIG’s) identify young people who may benefit from participation in this 12-month program. Families are unable to self-refer to this program.

By providing intensive support to both the young person and their family, Target 120 aims to provide a holistic intervention to address the factors that lead to offending.