Our Child and Parent Centres are open to all families in the local community.
The Centres are there to help you give your children the best start in life.
The Centres offer workshops, programs and services that support families with children up to eight years of age, helping them to develop and learn during their early years. It is also a way to find out about and link in with other local family services and activities.
The Centre has family-friendly facilities, is welcoming and easy to access. It is a great place to meet other local families. Activities and services provided by Ngala and our partners may include:

Weekly playgroups (during school term)
Baby Rhymetime: 0-2years
Storytime: 2-5 years
Play Café: 0-5 years
Little Learners Playgroup 2-5 years
KEYS to Play: 0-5 years
Parenting & Play Time: 0-12 months
Transition to School programs for families with Kindy aged children

Child Health Services
Child Health Nurse appointment based service
Child Health Nurse Drop-in service:
Speech and Language appointment based service
Speech and Language Drop-in service
Child Immunisation appointment based service

Parent Meet Ups and Support
Early Parenting Groups: 0-3 months
Parents Cup ‘n’ Chat
MyTime Coffee and Chat – for parents of children with additional needs
Fun Time with Dad – Fathers’ Meet Up
Financial Counselling Drop-in service
One on one Parenting Consultation: appointment based service around sleep, nutrition, toileting and child behaviour

Parenting Programs and Workshops
Regular Triple P workshops and discussion groups around children’s behaviour
Circle of Security parenting programs
Ngala workshops around sleep, nutrition, toileting
Other programs around speech and language, literacy, first aid, water safety and much more
Baby Massage courses

We also provide school holiday activities and host family-friendly events.

Find out more about your local Child and Parent Centre visit:

East Waikiki



Banksia Grove