Parenting with confidence
Supporting parents like you in WA
Who uses our parenting services?
- Parents
- Carers
- Family members
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State-wide parenting services
Ngala Parenting Line
Talk about your parenting concerns with a friendly expert. Ngala Parenting Line supports families of children from birth to 18 in WA.
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Day Stay
Learn to overcome your early parenting challenges with a team of friendly staff. During your stay, you can work with experts in child and family health and social work. Based in Kensington, WA, but receives admissions from around the state.
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Extended Stay
Learn to overcome difficult parenting challenges with a team of friendly staff. Extended Stay is an intensive 4-night program. During your stay, you can work with experts in child and family health, lactation, social work, psychology and health.
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Parenting Consultations
A phone or online consultation is a great way to get support and share your concerns in detail. Consultations are suited to a wide variety of topics, but we discuss all things parenting. Available online or by phone.
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