The story of Ngala is a community story.


It’s the future of Western Australian families, guided by 130 years experience in parenting and child development. This guidance has the power to give parents and carers a sigh of relief, a feeling that they’re in safe hands with our team. But this is just the beginning of the journey. At Ngala, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to be their best, and that parenting should be a joyful and rewarding experience. This is what we call, Raising happiness.

Every child has a different path to take in life. They will have to face challenges, seek out opportunities, and triumph over hurdles, as they explore the world around them. As a child-safe organisation, Ngala promotes and protects the rights, safety and well-being of children and young people. From conception to adulthood, Ngala services – underpinned by research, evidence, and shared experiences – will be there as a steadying hand on the journey you take with your child, every step of the way.

In the same way that your child’s world is made up of a collection of experiences and encounters, our story includes all the people who make up Ngala, and that includes you. You are the heart of the Ngala story and together, we will work towards Raising happiness.