Volunteer with us

At Ngala, our dedicated volunteers have always been an integral part of the Ngala Family and to the programs they support. Each day, our volunteers work alongside our staff to enrich the lives of the families who receive our services. Without their support and generosity of time, as a “for-purpose” organisation, we would not be able to deliver the standard of services we provide each day.

As a Volunteer you will benefit personally by meeting new people and making new friends, learning new skills and feeling part of a community.

If you have a passion for wanting to make a difference to the lives of others and have a few hours a week to spare, we’d love to hear from you.

Types of Volunteering Placements

Ngala welcomes Volunteers who are passionate about working with families and want to give back to the community.

Volunteers are involved with a range of Ngala services including:
o Child Parent Centres (CPC’s)
o Early Learning Centres
o Communities for Children (Swan Alliance)
o Strong Self, Strong Spirit (SSSS) – Mentors
o Ngala Board Members and a number of Committees
o Corporate Services

Benefits to a Volunteer at Ngala
o Make a positive difference to other people’s lives.
o Have a meaningful, positive impact on your community and the families.
o Instill a sense of achievement and purpose.
o Make new friends and expand your networks, which can help the Volunteer feel more connected and valued.
o Helps reduce a sense of loneliness and social isolation.

Register your interest in becoming a Volunteer

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Ngala. Please complete this form to register your interest. Once you have registered, one of our team members will be in contact with you to discuss your interest.