Since 2007, research and evaluation have been major areas of development within Ngala. Ngala has actively promoted a research culture, developing research and evaluation frameworks in consultation with our university and research partners.
Ngala’s Research and Evaluation Frameworks support the development of a sustainable interdisciplinary research agenda for work in parenting and childhood. Evaluation at Ngala adopts an action research approach. Our purpose is to support parents, families and communities through our way of responding to their changing needs, and measuring our impact to inform the next implementation of the program.
Ngala’s Research and Evaluation policy aligns with Ngala’s strategic and business plans and is responsive to the needs of communities by providing evidence-informed services. The Research and Evaluation policy ensures a robust research and evaluation strategy and process which seeks to build relationships with universities, other researchers, community agencies and consumers of services. It aims to support the creation and maintenance of an organisational culture that underpins an evidence-informed organisation and provide direction for staff at all levels on their roles and responsibilities.
Reports Published in 2021
18 October 2021 –
Together with Anglicare WA, Ngala has launched a report on Reducing Poverty and Improving Child Development in WA.
There is a straight-forward, evidence-backed solution to ending child poverty in Western Australia, Ngala and Anglicare WA launched the Reducing Poverty and Improving Child Development in WA joint report during Anti Poverty Week 2021 addressing this issue.
WA has the third-highest rate of child poverty in the nation, with nearly 95,000 children living in poverty. Severe child poverty has risen substantially in the last decade.
The Reducing Poverty and Improving Child Development in WA Report has highlighted the impact of poverty on children through a comprehensive review of relevant research, along with successful initiatives to address the issue and accounts of lived experience.
The Report found children who grow up in poverty face significant challenges to their social, emotional, and physical development that have life-long impacts on health and wellbeing both in childhood and into their adult years.
It identified four key actions to lift children permanently from poverty and improve their growth and development:
• Provision of adequate income support for families
• Universal access to early childhood education and care
• Provision of targeted early intervention supports to meet each child’s needs
• Prioritise the rights of children and their development, health, and wellbeing
To Read The Full Report click here
To download the Snapshot, click here
Research Priorities 2021 – 2024
• Sociology of family and relationships
• Mental health
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing
• Child and adolescent development
• Community development
• Program evaluation
Research Partnerships
Ngala develops and builds relationships with key universities and agencies related to research. The Research Advisory Network provides a forum for Ngala, universities, and researchers to share knowledge and ideas that allow Ngala services and programs to be evidence-informed and innovative. In providing a platform to share knowledge and ideas, the Research Advisory Network contributes to the growing child development and parenting research evidence base.
Current Research Advisory Network membership includes Executive Managers and key Ngala staff. External members include:
• Dr Dawson Cooke – School of Nursing, Curtin University
• Dr Lisa Gibson – Telethon Kids Institute & UWA
• Dr Amy Finlay-Jones, Telethon Kids Institute & UWA
• Assoc. Prof. Vicki Banham – School of Psychology & Social Science, Edith Cowan University
• Dr Garth Kendall – School of Nursing, Curtin University
• Dr Cecily Strange – School of Population and Global Health, UWA
• Jayne Kotz – Ngangk Yira Research Centre for Aboriginal Health and Social Equity, Murdoch University
• Dr Catherine Archer – College of Arts, Business, Law and Social Sciences, Murdoch University
Research opportunities
Ngala encourages collaborative research opportunities and welcomes submissions from relevant stakeholders with interests that align with our research priorities.
Student research opportunities are also supported. This may include support with promotion of their study, recruitment, resources, or a more formal partnership. Postgraduate students are encouraged to consider Ngala’s research priority areas.
If you are interested in a research partnership, would like to support a student research project, or are a student with a research project, please complete the Research Enquiry Form and email to [email protected].
Volunteer research assistants are always welcome.
Published Research
Ngala publishes in relevant Australian and international journals, and presents papers and posters at relevant conferences.
Ngala’s published research and journal articles 2003 – 2022.
For queries about the research listed or other information, please contact [email protected].
Ngala is proud to support others on selected projects, including:
SMS4Dads – Provides new fathers with information and connections to online services through their mobile phones.
The ORIGINS project – The largest study of its kind in Australia, following 10,000 families over a decade to improve child and adult health.
The Mummy Buddy project – Improving the wellbeing and mental health of new mums.
Beacon Cyber safety app – An educational app designed to keep parents and carers up to date with trusted, tailored information, to help keep their kids safe online.
Bright Tomorrows – The Bright Tomorrows initiative was formed to give parents, carers and others who care about or for children some of the tools they need to give all children the best start to life.
Baby Coming You Ready – An innovation designed to support the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents-to-be and new parents.