08 9367 0964 Click here to email
14 Viridian Dr, Banksia Grove WA
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm (not open public holidays)

The Child and Parent Centre – Banksia Grove is run by Ngala in partnership with Banksia Grove Primary School.

We work to listen and respond to parents and the changing needs of families and communities, to promote healthy child development, by offering a range of inclusive, evidence-informed and evidence-based support services.

At Ngala, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to be their best and that parenting should be a joyful and rewarding experience. This is what we call, raising happiness.

The Centre is based in Banksia Grove and offers programs and services to families with children from birth to four years, however, families with children up to eight years old can access the centre.

The team ensures programs and services are available to support families in the community and are easy to access.

All the activities, events, workshops, and programs are free for the community.

Programs and Services

Some of the programs and services at the centre may include:

  • Child Health Nurse – appointments and drop in clinic
  • Speech Pathology
  • Early Parenting Groups led by your local Child Health Nurse
  • Playgroups to cater to different ages and stages in your child’s development.
  • Specialised sessions for pre-kindy children to support school readiness and transition – Little Learners
  • Parenting programs e.g. Triple P and Protective Behaviours
  • Parent information sessions on topics such as nutrition, managing behaviour, sleep, toileting, screen time, getting ready for kindy, speech and language development
  • School holiday activities
  • Music and movement sessions – Sing&Grow
  • LINKS Playgroup led by the Autism Association of Western Australia
  • Staff members from the Department of Communities and MercyCare Mirrabooka Joondalup Family Support Network available to meet and chat with families
  • Connecting you with other services in your community
  • Connections to other Ngala services – Parenting Line, Day Stay, Consultations
  • Referrals to other services.

There is no cost to any of our programs and services and you can see what’s on each term by viewing our Term Planner or joining our Child and Parent Centre – Banksia Grove closed Facebook group.

Information for Ngala services Parenting, Family, Children and Youth Support | Ngala

Information for Child and Parent Centres in West Australia Child and Parent Centres – Department of Education

For further information please telephone 9367 0964 or email [email protected]

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