08 9367 0960 Click here to email
Harlow Road, Calista WA 6167

The Child and Parent Centre – Calista is an innovative, family-friendly space for parents with children pre-birth up to eight years old.

Our team listens and responds to parents and the changing needs of families. We work with communities, local schools and organisations to provide inclusive, evidence-informed and evidence-based programs and services that enhance children’s development, increase community connection and support families.

Our Ngala operated Child and Parent Centre, is known and respected for our parenting knowledge and approach to supporting families in the local community.

The Child and Parent Centres are a State Government funded program. All our activities and programs are free for Kwinana families.

Services and supports available at and through the centre include:

  • Playgroups for various age groups
  • Specialised programs to support school preparation and transition
  • Maternal and child health services through allied health professionals
  • Early parenting groups Parenting sessions and programs such as Circle of Security, Triple P, Protective Behaviours, Sleep and Behaviour workshops
  • Family support services, parenting advice, resources and information
  • Access to the Ngala Parenting Line
  • Parent groups for LGBQTIA+ community
  • Support group for parents and carers of children with additional needs
  • Annual events such as NAIDOC, Book Week, Harmony Week and Children’s Week
  • Referrals to other services

Paint Kwinana REaD

The Child and Parent Centre Calista supports the early literacy initiative Paint Kwinana REaD as well as the Education, Care and Family Network Kwinana, to support a holistic community approach to early childhood education and care. You can read the Paint Kwinana REaD Strategic Action Plan here.

Find Out More

You can find out more about the sessions and services available at CPC Calista by reading our Term Planner.

Alternatively, you can contact our friendly staff by phone on 9367 0960 or email [email protected], for more information about upcoming sessions and events at and through the Child and Parent Centre Calista.

To connect with us join our closed Facebook group.

My Journey to School Booklet

Family Transition to School Statement


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