Who are the Friends of Ngala
The Friends of Ngala (FON) are a group of passionate volunteers committed to supporting the work of Ngala by protecting and preserving the history of the organisation, fundraising and friend raising for the organisation.
The FON do this by promoting the purpose of the organisation and running and supporting events and other activities intended to raise the profile of, and funds for, the organisation. All funds raised by the FON go directly to the organisation to assist it to achieve its purpose and objectives.
FON is a member based and operates through a committee.
Become a member today
Membership is just $50 per year and offers you exclusive access to FON events and an opportunity to be a part of a welcoming and passionate committee.
By joining you are supporting the furtherance of Ngala’s work for West Australian children, families and communities.
Join today or renew your membership
Corporate Sponsors
Without the assistance of corporate sponsors the FON could not exist. We rely heavily on the support of corporate sponsors and local businesses to ensure the success of our functions.
If you would like to get involved we would love to hear from you please contact our Liaison Officer on 9368 9351 or via email at [email protected].
Interested in joining the Committee
Committee members come with many skills and experiences.
Perhaps you have benefited from use of Ngala’s many services or have attended an event and are keen to get involved.
If you are interested in joining the committee or just want to know more, please contact our Liaison Officer on 9368 9351 or via email at [email protected]
Our Team
Rachel Ross
Vice President
Kim Passmore
Finance Liaison
Heather Gilmour
Committee Members
Hon Barb Scott OAM
Morgan Martin
Justine Scott
Life Members
Martin Black 2023
Hon Barbara Scott OAM 2021
Ms Heather Gilmour 2021
Ms Alice O’ Donnell 2019
Dr Jackie Scurlock OAM, 2017
Mrs Jacqui Mackinnon 2015
Danae Corser 2013
Russell Hawkins AM 2011
Syd Corser OBE, OAM (deceased) 2007
Flo Cooper OAM (deceased) 2007
Peg Ayres 2004 (deceased)
Althaea McTaggart OBE (deceased) 2003
Curnow Knuckey OAM (deceased) 1999
Leoné Scott 1998