While you are adjusting to being parents (particularly for the first time), you may find yourself feeling isolated from the people and activities that have made up your social lives.  

Changes for new parents

Often you have left work and may miss the connection to friends in the workplace. Apart from feeling a little tired in the early weeks, just being with your baby and establishing a routine can mean some of your usual activities are not possible.  

Many new parents keep in contact with family and friends by social media, text and phone. However, if you have a partner who goes back to work, the connections with “real people” may be limited. 

During the first weeks, there may have been visits from friends to celebrate the baby’s arrival. In the weeks and months following, it may be just grandparents and one or two close friends who visit. It is time to think about doing something active to ensure you do not feel isolated or bored.  

Ideas to connect with others

  • Join a new parents group run by your local child health nurse to meet other new parents from your area. 
  • Invite another parent who you would like to get to know to visit your home. 
  • Join a local playgroup or other activities at your local library or Child and Parent Centre.  
  • Find a parent and baby exercise or dance class. 
  • Walk to the park or local shop. The fresh air is good for you and the baby.  
  • You might start or join a pram walking group to substitute for those gym sessions you used to attend. 
  • If you’re craving a movie out, some cinemas also have parent and baby sessions.  
  • Ask grandparents or your partner to mind the baby while you catch up with someone for a coffee.  
  • Invite friends for a ‘bring and share meal’ so that you can catch up without too much preparation.  
  • Check local websites to find other groups like Buggy Buddys 
  • Take up a new hobby that you can do at home that you have not had time to do when you were working. 
  • Talk to you child health nurse or visit the community centre to find out what’s happening around your area.   

Want to know more?

Playgroup WA 

Australian Breastfeeding Association – Local breastfeeding groups


If you still have questions, contact our Parenting Line