Health Checks and Support Networks (PDF Version)

Your child’s Personal Health Record or PHR (Purple Book) has all the information you need, but we’ll give you a little snapshot of who fits where.

After your new little family was discharged from the delivering hospital, you were probably visited by your Child Health Nurse (CHN). If your partner delivered in the metro area this may have been another agency until you returned home. It is great to stay in touch with your local Child Health Nurse as they are the ones who will attend to your baby’s scheduled health checks and potentially provide your child’s immunisations.

Health Checks

These checks include weighing and measuring your baby, monitoring their physical, social and emotional development, checking on the emotional health of parents and providing up to date information about the care and development of your baby. There are also parent questionnaires (Ages and Stages Questionnaire) at checks to find out more about how your child is developing. Your CHN will let you know about accessing these.

If you need further support in between these checks then it is very appropriate for you or your partner to make contact with the Child Health Nurse. Often there are group sessions on different health topics available as well as extra advice and drop-in sessions as needed.

Community Child Health Program


Scheduled Checks include

· 0-14 days

· 8 weeks

· 4 months

· 12 months

· 2 years

· Starting School (usually Kindergarten)



Your family will be first offered immunisation for your baby in hospital. From then there is a Childhood Immunisation Schedule that has been developed by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. Check out your child’s Personal Health Record and at the back you’ll find the information you need and ages your child should receive the vaccines. Dependant on where you live your GP or Child Health Nurse will be able to provide these for your family. They will then be recorded on the Australian Immunisation Record or AIR, which can be accessed by the service providers and yourselves only.

Childhood Immunisation Schedule



Becoming a new parent involves on the job training and just because you live rurally does not mean your resources are limited. Your Child Health Nurse and GP are great local physical resources but there’s some great online and telephone help as well. Trust yourself and when you are unsure ask for some advice. There’s no such thing as a silly question!

Parents who seek and accept help:

Are more relaxed & healthier and they’re better able to look after their children

Set a good example for their children.

Getting support teaches your children that you don’t have to do it alone.

It’s ok to ask for help when you need to.

Links to resources:

Red Nose

Adjusting to parenthood

Breast Feeding Association

Country Families Services at Ngala

Parenting and Child Health

For parenting support and information contact [email protected] or Ngala Parenting Line

Country Dad’s SMS Service is provided by Ngala and supported by WA Country Health.